Tervita Creating an Integrated Powerhouse

The Situation
CCS Corporation came together with 12 related companies to form Tervita, aspiring to better serve North American customers as a leading provider of environmental and energy services.
This shift to a “master brand” architecture reflected how CCS desired to not only present customers with an integrated offering but also to centralize operations. The aim was to integrate all previously independent divisions into a single powerhouse that could provide a broad range of solutions to oil and gas, mining, and industrial customers—solutions that would be bigger and better than the sum of the individual parts.
The Challenge
The sheer number of companies coming together—each with unique operating procedures and cultures—created a complex situation for gathering information and developing a cohesive and comprehensive implementation strategy.
The Solution
From the outset, BrandActive took up the role of objective consolidator with Tervita, ensuring that the data was collected, analyzed, and presented, using methods that led to reliably fact-based recommendations. After development of an implementation strategy and specific transition plans for each branded asset category, we provided the hands-on assistance that Tervita needed to prepare and execute the rebrand launch. This assistance included detailed technical specifications for fleet and equipment, as well as the dimensions, standards, and manufacturing information required to ensure quality and overall brand consistency.
BrandActive also helped Tervita establish the necessary vendor relationships—first, by consolidating information to define the current state, and then by completing a comprehensive needs assessment. We also helped identify vendors, as well as develop, execute, and review bid packages for the launch. In the later stages, we helped negotiate and finalize contracts, reviewed invoicing, and played a key role in the acquisition and installation of permanent signage.
The Results
The rebranding process was well received by internal audiences, helping to bring about efficient operational consolidation. The launch itself achieved the desired “big bang” impact for the brand, while costs were carefully controlled so that the project came in under budget.
This was a very large project, and having been responsible for the Petro Canada rebranding, it was not my first. After working with BrandActive, I really wish I had known about them before.
— Former Vice President, Corporate Marketing, Tervita